Tuesday 4 August 2015

One Down, Four Found!

Pip has completed his first week in Switzerland and is enjoying the experience massively. He has promised to post on here as Swiss Family Robinson soon...
No time for us to feel lonely as we have been graced by Gabi, Steve, Finn and Maizie up at the cottage for the last few days. It was so good to have them here and they have been awarded the distinction of the first of the family to see the new cottage. It was a close shave: the builder was still putting the finishing touches on the place on the day they arrived!
We swam in the lake, hot-tubbed, boated and s'mored. You'll need to ask Finn and Maizie about that last one! They are spending a few days upcountry now, discovering whether black bears like English cubs as appetisers, then we'll meet up with them again - and hopefully Anneli, Tim and Maddy - next weekend in Toronto. Then they'll head south to ultimately bookend the family tour with American Family Scholten in Florida.