Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The Deep Family Ancestry of the Robinsons

I have received my results from the National Geographic Genographic Project (Xmas present from Dara) which reveals information about our distant ancestors through DNA analysis on the Y-chromosome for paternal lineage and mitochondrial DNA for maternal lineage. It's amazing science! We now know that both our maternal and paternal ancestors migrated out of Africa into Asia 70,000 years ago. From there, the lines moved differently around Asia, the Near East and - at around 40,000 years ago - they moved into Europe. They interacted with the fading Neanderthal population so that 2.6% of our genes are Neanderthal rather than Homo Sapiens! Perhaps this explains why I like banging rocks together... I have a lot more detailed information available, so I'll bring a copy of the results to our Xmas gathering so you can see where our ancestors wandered over the last 70,000 years. If you're interested, here is the website link: https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com/

1 comment:

Bev said...

Fascinating,Chip - can't wait to read it! Could explain a lot!
Just off to Nepal - talk when I get back. xxx