Saturday, 16 June 2012

Tim Has Graduated!

Tim graduated today from Greenwood College. He played and sang a Blue Rodeo number at the end of the grad ceremony to wild applause and I think it was only then that it finally got through to us that our baby has finished school. Forever.  Woooah!  Next weekend he's off to a job as Camp Counsellor for the whole summer - his first paying job. Then he's straight off to university at Queens in Kingston. So we'll only see him for few days this side of Christmas...He's ready....we're not!


Singapore Slingers said...

Oh my! Congratulations, Tim.... Enjoy your new adventures- how fabulous to be on the edge of your new world looking over!
Chip and Dara - just how did that happen so quickly? 10 more minutes, I reckon, and we'll be there with you, waving the last little bird out of the nest.
Love and hugs to all of you

Bev said...

Congratulations, Little Timmy (coz that's what you are - you were only born a month ago so stop all this silly university talk!)
Chip and Dara - don,t worry about the empty nest; they always find their way back!

boughtonmill said...

Congrats young Tim. You remind me of myself during my school must be in the jeans....I know really... Anyway well done and. Who knows you might end up as a used car salesman just like your unk. Something to aim for anyhow....
Love Pete and l
X x

boughtonmill said...

Wow! I'm well behind on the blog updates:-( Can't believe young Tim is off to pastures new where did that go? Congrats young man may your new adventures bring you much fun, growth, and happiness:-)and as you Chip and Dara, maybe a visit to Ky to visit other young children should be on your cards:-) Enjoy your summer love to all xx