Wishing you all a very lovely time from a very lovely little island, where we are celebrating in Hong Kong with our dear friends Heidi and Tricky and family....thinking of you all and Nana and Pop, especially last night when I was telling Isabel all about our Christmas Eves down at the farm. Santa managed to find us on our island of dogs and no cars, shrines and hippies, beaches and bars, although he almost got caught red-hatted...hope he found you all too, and you have all been GOOD (not you, Silly Uncle Peter, we know that won't happen!)...anyway, lots of love to everybody, especially to the small ones this Christmas, and thank you all for lovely gifts
Kirsty, Kevin, Isabel and Felix
Happy Christmas Slingers! Lamma Island sounds blissful; I explored Cheung Chau last time I was in HK and loved it...The islands are a world apart...I wrote an article for the Toronto Sun which you can check out at: http://www.chrisrobinsontravelshow.ca/travelarticles/TA_HongKong.pdf
Have a wonderful time ab=nd safe trip back to Singapore.
Sounds like you had fun...happy new year. see you soon..
pete and paul. x x
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