Well, this was certainly a lot harder than mine - it's taken me an hour and a half but I've finally cracked it! It's the Festival Theatre, Stratford, Ontario - tho' why you are backstage trying on costumes I don't dare to imagine. Perhaps you've both decided on a career change?
I hope you're going to wear more sensible clothes for running in! Good luck tomorrow for the marathon! love to all x
Well, this was certainly a lot harder than mine - it's taken me an hour and a half but I've finally cracked it! It's the Festival Theatre, Stratford, Ontario - tho' why you are backstage trying on costumes I don't dare to imagine. Perhaps you've both decided on a career change?
PS What did you see at Stratford ? and
Pants! She beat us! We've just got there too. Actually, Mum, i think you'll find it is the Costume Warehouse in Stratford, but you still win!
Sorry, Krust, but would be interested to know how you got there - not on the Blog, tho' - mustn't let Chip into our clever ways!!
Congrats to both Bev and China - correct in every respect!
We saw West Side Story at Stratford and we're hoping to see Macbeth there this summer.
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