Thanks for the quiz Bev - answers are posted under your pix in Comments...Now for a couple from us...
1. Which WW1 battlefield is the top picture from?
2. How is Timmy walking on water?
Love from (just) Chip and Dara, as Pip is at a foam party (?) and Timmy is at Camp...
Clever clogs - tho' mine was a bit easy! Can't fathom yours, tho' - the St George's shield puzzles me (or is it Red Cross?)
Timmy has either achieved beatification or the water is shallow just there!
Yes, we were very unfair, as both were trick questions...
The first pic is a fort that Timmy and Pip constructed out of the materials excavated in front of the cottage as the first move in constucting the new path down to the lake; Timmy was inside at the time of the pic taking anachronistic pot shots at me through the slit with his bow and arrow...
The second pic is of Timmy on the rope swing (see top left) at the precise moment he has let go and his toes touch the water...so no beatification required...or likely!
Thought that shield looked familiar!
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