Saturday, 16 June 2012

The Clan

At a meeting today convened at the Brampton Halt and attended by a quorum of said Clan it was voted unanimously that CCR (Jnr) be charged with the challenge of finding a suitable holiday destination for said Clan at Christmas 2013 ('im being in the 'oliday business an' all). Good subject for a holiday programme on the radio, we thought!

Tim Has Graduated!

Tim graduated today from Greenwood College. He played and sang a Blue Rodeo number at the end of the grad ceremony to wild applause and I think it was only then that it finally got through to us that our baby has finished school. Forever.  Woooah!  Next weekend he's off to a job as Camp Counsellor for the whole summer - his first paying job. Then he's straight off to university at Queens in Kingston. So we'll only see him for few days this side of Christmas...He's ready....we're not!

Friday, 8 June 2012


Thinking of you today...

96 Today!

Happy Birthday, Pop - love you. Xxx