Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Married at last!

For those of you with no facebook access - here are some wedding pics! We had a beautiful, perfect day in Mandai Orchid Garden...wish you could all have been there. If you go to Youtube and search for "Tricky's Speech" you will get a glimpse of the day - Tricky provided a hilarious, entirely inaccurate and wonderful speech...and thank you all for your congratulations and best wishes. Cards were opened on the day so everyone was a part of the ceremony...lots of love to you all from the MARRIED Singapore Slingers!

Saturday, 14 August 2010

For us expats...

Here is a link to a YouTube clip that I thought all us expats would enjoy...and Bev, Pete & Paul would remember the singer:
Love Chip

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Chief Tim

Chief Tim of the Ojibwa has returned to his tribe after a month in his forest camp. He passed the ancient initiation test of burning the string and disappeared on a camp/canoe expedition for a week in the Algonquin wilderness. Swallows and Amazons was never like this!

Friday, 6 August 2010

Mr and Mrs House

First pics, just received - I'm sure she'll post some more later when all the excitement is over.
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Thursday, 5 August 2010

Old? Who?

Have just found a photo of two extremely ancient forty-yearolds which I thought was worth sharing!
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Monday, 2 August 2010


We had a lovely party to celebrate the wedding-to-be ; wish you all could have been there. They're back in Singapore now, getting ready for the ceremony on Friday, so don't forget to raise a glass sometime on your Friday at whatever time suits you!
Love to you all, Bev xxx
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