We have a white Christmas here as you can see from this picture of our road. The conditions are also perfect (cold, icy) for Tim to start his first season of ice hockey with a local team at the open air rink in out neighbourhood park (that's him in the orange jersey, four goal hero in his 1st game despite the lack of hockey genes). And of course the Canadian Family Robinson traditional picture taken this morning as we gather around the Xmas tree...the difference this year is that the time of the photo is midday rather than 7 am as in past years, one of the boons of twin teenagerhood...
We are thinking of you all, wherever you are today - Suzhou, Courmayeur, Acoteias, Hook and Indianopolis - and we send our love and we clink our glasses to the most wonderful family in the world; we really are very fortunate to have each other, scattered acroos the globe though we may be. And not forgetting Poppa Jim and Katie Nanna who started all this 69 years and a day ago.
Cheers and here's to 2008!